Machine Learning Studio vs. Google Cloud AutoML: A Factual Comparison

September 15, 2021

As the world becomes more data-driven, machine learning has taken center stage in companies looking to analyze their data efficiently. However, with so many machine learning platforms available, it can be difficult to choose the right one for your business. In this blog post, we compare two popular platforms, Machine Learning Studio and Google Cloud AutoML.

Machine Learning Studio

Machine Learning Studio (MLS) is a cloud-based platform that simplifies the process of building and deploying machine learning models. Users can create models using drag-and-drop interfaces or write code in Python or R. The platform also supports popular machine learning libraries like TensorFlow and scikit-learn.

MLS offers a wide range of features, including data preparation, model training, and model deployment. The platform also provides several pre-built models, including sentiment analysis, recommendation systems, and image recognition.

Google Cloud AutoML

Google Cloud AutoML is a suite of machine learning products that enables developers to build custom ML models with minimal machine learning expertise. AutoML provides a graphical interface that allows users to upload their data, train a model, and deploy it. Like MLS, AutoML supports popular machine learning libraries like TensorFlow.

AutoML provides several pre-built models, including image and text classification, sentiment analysis, and translation. The platform also supports custom models, allowing users to train and deploy models for their specific use case.


To compare MLS and AutoML, we'll look at a few key features and provide some numbers to give you an idea of how the platforms compare.


MLS pricing is based on usage, with costs ranging from $1 per hour for small deployments to $10 per hour for large deployments. Alternatively, users can purchase a pre-paid plan for a reduced rate.

AutoML pricing is also based on usage, with costs starting from $0.60 per hour for prediction usage and $5.80 per hour for model training. However, pricing for custom models is not transparently available on the AutoML site.

Ease of Use

Both MLS and AutoML are relatively easy to use. MLS provides a drag-and-drop interface that simplifies model building for novices, while still allowing experienced users to write code if needed. AutoML provides a visual interface that is easy to follow, with detailed documentation to support users as they build their models.

Pre-Built Models

MLS provides a wide range of pre-built models, including sentiment analysis, recommendation systems, and image recognition. AutoML provides similar pre-built models, including image and text classification, sentiment analysis, and translation.

Custom Models

Both platforms support custom models, allowing users to train and deploy models for their specific use case. However, AutoML provides a superior experience for creating custom models, with its visual interface making it easy for users to create custom models without extensive machine learning expertise.


Both MLS and AutoML provide high-performance machine learning models. However, AutoML provides better results compared to MLS in several use cases, mainly due to Google's vast experience in machine learning.


Choosing between MLS and AutoML will depend on your specific needs. If you're looking for a platform that provides a wide range of pre-built models, MLS is a great choice. However, if you need to create custom models, AutoML provides a superior experience, with its easy-to-use visual interface making it accessible even for those with limited machine learning expertise. Moreover, for use cases demanding top-notch performance, AutoML provides a better option than MLS.


  1. Machine Learning Studio Documentation
  2. Google Cloud AutoML Documentation

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